
The Chapel of St. Patrick will be ready for use in a very short time. We look forward to being able to pray quietly in the chapel, light candles, allow prayer groups to meet and pray and resume Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays and Fridays. All Masses will continue to be in the main church.

One of the unexpected blessings that will come out of the HVAC project vis-a-vis the chapel is the following. Our contractor, Rosario Pugliese, really understands and loves what St. Mary’s stands for. He explained to me that because of the construction for the vents, a space “appeared” whose walls are the stone walls of the church. He brought me down there to show this to me and said that this space would make a wonderful stone grotto for Our Lady of Lourdes. I have been pondering this suggestion, and after visiting this space that emerged from the construction, I have come to the conclusion that we will indeed make this stone grotto as beautiful as possible as a fitting shrine for Our Lady that will remind us of her graceful appearance to St. Bernadette at Lourdes. This will not take a long time, and when it is finished we will dedicate the new shrine.

The shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be freshly painted as well, and the beautiful large framed replica of Our Lady of Guadalupe that is a gift of the Hispanic Community will be placed on the wall of the shrine.

Please buy your tickets for the Patronal Festival dinner on August 19. We want this to be a totally communal event. Please bring family and friends as well. Let’s show Bishop Caggiano the beauty of St. Mary’s not only in the Mass but in each other as well.

Father Richard Gennaro Cipolla

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