October is designated as a month of particular devotion to Mary. It is also designated as Pro- Life Month. It is no coincidence that we are asked to pay special attention to Mary and to human life during this month because it is in the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary that we see God revealing to us much of what the Church teaches us about human life.
Certain fundamental principles underlie all the Church’s teachings on life. One of these principles, that human life begins at the moment of conception, is found in the doctrine of Mary’s Immaculate Conception.The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception declares that Mary (not Jesus), at the first instant of her conception in the womb of her mother, was preserved from all stain of original sin. This immunity from the stain of original sin was a special grace from God. Our interest at the moment lies not in how or why Mary was so conceived. Instead, we note that only human persons are directly affected by original sin. Mary was a human person. The fact that Mary was preserved free from the stain of original sin from the first instant of her conception indicates to us that Mary was a human person from the first instant of her conception; not simply a mass of tissue, a pregnancy, or a fetus. She was a human person from the first instant of her conception in the womb of her mother. Therefore it follows that all human persons are persons from the first instant of their conception and are to be treated as such. They have a right to live in the womb, to be born into the world, and to live out their lives until natural death. There are no exceptions to this teaching. While the slogan “My body, my choice” rings in our ears, it is interesting to note the conflict in our nation’s civil law regarding the understanding of the child in the womb. When a woman chooses to abort her child it is perfectly legal (within certain limits). But, when a pregnant woman is murdered, her killer may be charged with two counts of murder: one for the mother, and one for the unborn child. One must conclude from this that if the mother wants to kill her child it is acceptable, but if someone else kills the child it is not acceptable. This is not reasonable. Either the child has a right to life or he/she does not. One wonders what the child in the womb would have to say about it if he/she could speak? The fact that the life of every human person begins at the instant of conception is one of the fundamental teachings of the Church regarding life. As we have seen, this teaching has as one of its strongest supporting arguments the example of the most sublime of human lives: the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Pray the Rosary for life during the month of October! |
El mes de Octubre es el mes de María. También esta designado como el mes Pro-Vida. No es ninguna coincidencia que se nos pida prestar atención especial a María y la vida humana durante este mes, porque es en la vida de la Santísima Virgen María que vemos a Dios, quien a su vez, es quien nos revela mucho de lo que la Iglesia nos enseña sobre la vida humana.
Mientras que el lema “Mi cuerpo es mi Elección” resuena en nuestros oídos, es interesante notar que el conflicto existente de la ley civil de nuestra nación, en cuanto a la nueva vida que crece en el vientre de la madre se refiere, es bastante inconsistente. Cuando una mujer decide abortar a su hijo, esto es perfectamente legal, (dentro de ciertos limites). Pero, cuando una mujer embarazada es asesinada , su asesino puede ser culpado por asesinato doble, el de la madre y el del hijo en su vientre. Uno puede llegar a la conclusión de que si la madre desea asesinar a su hijo, esto es aceptable, pero si alguien más asesina al hijo, esto no es aceptable, y es penado por la ley. Esto no tiene sentido. O el niño(a) tiene derecho a la vida o no. Uno se pregunta que diría el niño(a) desde el vientre de su madre si pudiera hablar. El hecho de que la vida humana empieza en el momento de la concepción, es una de las enseñanzas fundamentales de la iglesia Católica. Como podemos ver, a esta enseñanza le apoya unos de los mas fuertes argumentos: el ejemplo de la más sublime de las vidas humanas, la vida de la Santísima Virgen María. Recemos el Rosario por la Vida durante este mes de octubre. |