The question I most enjoy asking any Catholic is, “Why do Catholics go to Mass?” I love this question because I can be almost certain of the answer I’ll receive, and that answer gives me the chance to talk about my favorite subject... The Mass! Go ahead, test yourself. In one brief sentence answer the question, “What is the main reason Catholics go to Mass?” (Don’t peek.) If you are like most you will have answered, “To receive Holy Communion”.
We have two basic obligations regarding the Mass. First, every Catholic is obliged to attend Mass every Sunday and every Holy Day. We know that. Second, every Catholic who has received First Communion is thereafter obliged to receive Communion at least once a year. Wait! I am obliged to attend Mass every Sunday, but only obliged to receive Communion once a year? That doesn’t make sense! Actually, it does. And it can completely change our understanding of the Mass. Were we to reduce the Mass to two fundamental actions we would see Jesus Christ giving himself to the Father as a sacrifice for us, and giving himself to us in Holy Communion. If the Lord gives himself to the Father and gives himself to us what does he “get out of the Mass”? He is not there to get, but to give. And so are we, in imitation of Him. While we don’t normally attend Mass without receiving Communion if we are properly disposed, the point is clear. The Mass is foremost something we give to God. The worthy reception of Communion makes us more Christ-like, i.e. better at self-giving. Having understood that we do not attend Mass primarily to get something from God, but primarily to give ourselves to Him in imitation of Christ, we will have dispelled no small amount of Mass Confusion. Sources: Code of Canon Law 920, 1247, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2041 |
La pregunta que más me gusta hacer a los católicos es: ¿Por qué van a Misa los católicos? Me encanta hacer esta pregunta porque casi puedo adivinar la respuesta, y esa respuesta me da la oportunidad de hablar sobre mi tema favorito...!La Santa Misa! ¡Adelante! ¡Acepta el reto! En una breve oración responde a esta pregunta: ¿Cuál es la razón principal por la que los católicos van a Misa? (Sin trampa, no veas la respuesta). Si eres como la mayoría seguramente que responderías “Para recibir la Santa Comunión”. Tenemos dos obligaciones básicas con respecto a la Misa. Primero, todo católico tiene la obligación de asistir a Misa todos los domingos y fiestas de guardar. Todos lo sabemos. Si fuéramos a resumir la Misa debemos tomar en cuenta dos acciones fundamentales. Veríamos a Jesucristo dándose asimismo al Padre como sacrificio por nosotros, y también dándose a nosotros en la Sagrada Comunión. Habremos disipado nuestra confusión sobre la Santa Misa, si nos queda claro ante todo, que no asistimos a Misa para obtener algo de Dios sino que sobre todas las cosas, estamos allí para darnos nosotros mismos a Él en imitación de Cristo. Fuente: Código Canónico 920,1247, Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 2041. |