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St. Mary’s 2021 Raffle
Music for September 2021
All sung Masses at St. Mary's include the full Gregorian chant Propers, as well as the Ordinary of the Mass sung in Latin to plainchant or polyphony. |
Sunday, September 5, 2021
8:00 a.m. Mass in English with cantor
10:00 a.m. Solemn Mass with St. Mary's Schola Cantorum
Missa Ob ich schon und elend bin (Jacob Handl)
Expectans expectavi (Orlande de Lassus)
O quam suavis est (William Byrd)
12:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish with cantor
Saturday, September 11, 2021
11:00 a.m. Mass (in English) in honor of Our Lady of Good Health (Vailankanni)
Sunday, September 12, 2021
8:00 a.m. Mass in English with cantor
10:00 a.m. Solemn Mass with St. Mary's Schola Cantorum
Missa a cinque (Agostino Agazzari)
Domine in auxilium (Orlande de Lassus)
Ab ortu solis—Venite, comedite (William Byrd)
12:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish with cantor
Sunday, September 19, 2021
8:00 a.m. Mass in English with cantor
10:00 a.m. Solemn Mass with St. Mary's Schola Cantorum
Missa De la batalla escoutez (Francisco Guerrero)
Exaudi Domine (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
O sacrum convivium (Thomas Tallis)
O salutaris hostia (Thomas Tallis)
12:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish with cantor
Sunday, September 26, 2021
8:00 a.m. Mass in English with cantor
10:00 a.m. Solemn Mass with St. Mary's Schola Cantorum
Missa sexti toni (Giovanni Croce)
O quam suavis (Gregor Aichinger)
12:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish with cantor
A Note from Father Ringley—Una nota del padre Ringley
Our Lady of Good Health: Feast Mass Sat. Sept 11 at 11AM
Catholic Charities Info Meeting: Sun. Sept 26 after Noon Mass
Adoration on First Fridays: Now from 1-8PM
RCIA PROGRAM Parent Meeting: Tue. Sept 7
Church Picnic Sunday, Sept. 12
Children’s Schola Program begins Sept. 9
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