Recent Posts by Staff

Thoughts from Fr. Ringley—Reflexiones de P. Ringley

For now, those of us who can must do all we are able, spiritually and physically, to overcome this situation.  And we will.  When life returns to “normal”, and it will, we will have been changed.  Por ahora, aquellos de nosotros que podemos, haremos todo lo posible tanto fisica como espiritualmente para ayudar a vencer esta prueba. Y cuando la vida vuelva a ser "normal", y así será, seremos cambiados.
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Thoughts for the Fourth Week of Lent—Pensamientos para la Cuarta Semana de Cuaresma

Yesterday (Sunday) I offered all of our usual Masses in their proper forms and languages and at their proper times for the intentions as noted in the bulletin—Ayer (domingo) ofrecí todas las misas del fin de semana tal y como estaban programadas, en los distintos idiomas, a las horas que fueron solicitadas y por las intenciones respectivas, como aparecen en el boletin.
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Cancellations: RCIA, Bookstore, Other non-liturgical events

According to the Bishop's strong recommendation, we are temporarily suspending most non-liturgical social events for public health reasons. RCIA classes will not meet on Tuesday, March 17. Please review the last lesson at home (watch online) and continue preparing for your tests. St. Mary's Bookstore will be closed until further notice.
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Giving Online and By Mail

Please remember that the church's expenses remain constant when Mass attendance is reduced, and that we still need your continued support. Our Online Giving system is available for both recurring and one-time donations. There is also the old-fashioned method of mailing a check. God bless you!
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