Palm Sunday Masses (April 5) (livestream only): 8:00 AM : English; 9:30 AM : Latin; 12:30 PM : Español. Note: Palms will be distributed on Pentecost Sunday (May 31). Weekday Masses (Mon., Tues., Wed. only, April 6-8) (livestream only): 8:00 AM (Latin) and 12:10 PM (English). Confessions (Mon., Tues., Wed., April 6-8): 1-2 PM and 5-7 PM only. Come to the vestibule of the upstairs church.
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About: Staff
Recent Posts by Staff
Confessions: Mon-Wed of Holy Week Only (Apr. 6-8)
From Fr. Ringley: I will offer the Sacrament of Confession on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week ONLY as follows: MONDAY, APRIL 6 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm TUESDAY, APRIL 7 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm WEDNESDAY, APRIL…
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Reflection from Fr. Ringley
On rummaging through the rectory pantry on a stay-at-home evening—Al incursionar en la despensa de la cocina de la rectoría durante una de estas noches...
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From Fr. Ringley (Mon. Mar. 30)
Dear Parishioners, First, I must apologize to those who may have tried to hear Mass online today. I am struggling with the technology necessary to livestream the Masses. While I am not a Luddite, I have very little patience for things that are supposed to work one way and decide on their own to work…
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3-26-20: Update for RCIA Families—A las familias de RICA
Dear RCIA Families, I pray that you are all well. You probably know that the bishop has informed us that we are not to have any public Masses through April 30th. This means that you will not be receiving your Sacraments at the Easter Vigil on April 11th as we had hoped. I know that…
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The Annunciation—La Anunciación
I have always wondered exactly how the Annunciation took place. The text from Luke’s Gospel is not particularly detailed....Cada año en este día de la Anunciación me pregunto exactamente como pasó este acontecimiento. El texto de San Lucas no nos da muchos pormenores....
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Thoughts from Fr. Ringley—Reflexiones de P. Ringley
For now, those of us who can must do all we are able, spiritually and physically, to overcome this situation. And we will. When life returns to “normal”, and it will, we will have been changed. Por ahora, aquellos de nosotros que podemos, haremos todo lo posible tanto fisica como espiritualmente para ayudar a vencer esta prueba. Y cuando la vida vuelva a ser "normal", y así será, seremos cambiados.
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Thoughts for the Fourth Week of Lent—Pensamientos para la Cuarta Semana de Cuaresma
Yesterday (Sunday) I offered all of our usual Masses in their proper forms and languages and at their proper times for the intentions as noted in the bulletin—Ayer (domingo) ofrecí todas las misas del fin de semana tal y como estaban programadas, en los distintos idiomas, a las horas que fueron solicitadas y por las intenciones respectivas, como aparecen en el boletin.
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Thoughts for Laetare Sunday—Pensamientos acerca del cuarto domingo de la cuaresma
While we may not feel much cause for rejoicing in the midst of our current situation, it is important to remember that nothing and no one can deprive us of the gift of salvation—Mientras quizás no sentimos mucha causa de alegrarnos en este momento, tenemos este don de la salvación y es seguramente la cosa más importante.
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A Note from Fr. Ringley (Thurs. March 19)
Dear Parishioners of St. Mary’s, Be assured that I am praying for all of you—Estimados feligreses de Santa María, Tengan la seguridad de que estoy orando por todos ustedes mientras ofrezco las Misas diarias, mi Rosario y la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, y la Liturgia de las Horas como lo hago todos los días.
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