About: Staff
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Public Masses Suspended by order of the Bishop—Misas públicas suspendidas por el Obispo
Cancellations: RCIA, Bookstore, Other non-liturgical events
Giving Online and By Mail
A Note from Father Ringley/Una nota del padre Ringley
Bookstore Hours—Volunteers Needed
Music for March 2020
All sung Masses at St. Mary's feature the full Gregorian chant Propers, as well as the Ordinary of the Mass sung in Latin to plainchant or polyphony. |
Sunday, March 1, 2020
9:30 a.m. Solemn Mass (St. Mary's Schola Cantorum)
Missa St. Crucis (Joseph Rheinberger)
Scapulis suis (Giovanni Battista Casali)
Media vita (Henry Du Mont)
11:30 a.m. Sung Mass (St. Mary's Choir)
Hide not thou thy face (Richard Farrant)
Behold the Lamb of God (Paul Bouman)
Sunday, March 8, 2020
9:30 a.m. Solemn Mass (St. Mary's Schola Cantorum)
Missa Iste sanctus (Francisco Guerrero)
Meditabor in mandatis tuis (Orlande de Lassus)
Quicumque Christum quaeritis (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
11:30 a.m. Sung Mass (St. Mary's Choir)
We saw his glory (Erhard Mauersberger)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (C. H. H. Parry)
Sunday, March 15, 2020
9:30 a.m. Solemn Mass (St. Mary's Schola Cantorum)
Missa a 5 (Agostino Agazzari)
Stella caeli (Walter Lambe)
11:30 a.m. Sung Mass (St. Mary's Choir)
I heard the voice of Jesus say (Thomas Tallis)
Attende, Domine (chant responsory)
Cantate hymnum ad Virginem contra plagam!Stella caeli: A prayer to the Virgin in the time of contagion
A Note from Father Ringley/Una nota del padre Ringley
A Note from Fr. Ringley/Una nota del padre Ringley
Lenten Devotions at St. Mary’s/Devociones para la Cuaresma
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