RCIA Religious Education Classes (Rite of Christian Initiation) will begin on Tuesday, August 27 from 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the main church. If you have not yet enrolled your children, we invite you to do so as soon as possible. The Religion office will be open beginning Monday, August 19, 2019. This program…
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About: Staff
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EnCourage Apostolate/El Apostolado EnCourage
EnCourage apostolate is for friends and family of loved ones with same sex attractions or gender ID confusion. Confidential meetings are held monthly. For more info email EnCourageNorwalk@gmail.com. El Apostolado EnCourage es para familias y amigos de seres queridos con atraccion hacia el mismo sexo o que están confundido en cuanto a su identidad de…
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Men’s Group/Grupo de Hombres: Fridays at 7AM
Please join us every Friday morning at 7AM in St. Patrick's Chapel for Adoration. Afterwards, enjoy some quality guy time together in the rectory while drinking espresso and eating bagels. The conversation is always great and runs the gamut from family and religion to history and politics... to whatever else comes up. Come spend time…
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Aprender a Orar con Padre Ignacio Larrañaga: Miercoles de 6 a 8PM
Aprender a Orar para aprender a Amar! Método Práctico y Variado Padre Ignacio Larrañaga OFM, CAP. Aprende diferentes formas de Orar, encuentra la paz y la alegría en medio de las dificultades de la vida diaria. Dios a través del taller ayudara a liberarte de miedos angustias y tristezas. Del encanto de Dios, al encanto…
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Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Asunción de la Virgen María
Because of its importance, we will devote our entire column this week to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary which we celebrate each year on August 15th. Before addressing the dogma of the Assumption we must consider the end of Mary’s life on earth. There is no reference in the Scriptures to Mary’s death,…
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The Altarpiece of St. Mary’s/El Retablo de la Iglesia Santa María
The Assumption: Summary of Leonard Porter notes for St. Mary’s altarpiece. La Asunción: Resumen de las notas de Leonard Porter sobre el Retablo (la Pintura de la Asunción de la Virgen en el Altar Mayor).
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“You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour…”
I recently heard the story of a young woman in her mid-twenties whom we will call Susan. She graduated from college a few years ago and had worked as a campus minister along with several of her friends helping to evangelize young Catholic men and women at a large Catholic college in the United States.…
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Mass Confusion: Where Have You Gone, St. Christopher?
In olden times, every Catholic’s car had some form of a Saint Christopher medal clipped to the sun visor, glued to the dashboard, or, for the more discreet but no less pious, concealed in the glove box. The beginning of any journey began with the prayer, “Saint Christopher, pray for us!” because Saint Christopher was…
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St. Kateri Tekakwitha: Primera India Americana Canonizada
When Kateri was born in 1665 she received her first Indian name “Little Sunshine” (she was born at sunrise and had a sunny disposition). The custom was to receive a new name at about the age of eight when the child’s personality began to show forth. Kateri’s mother wanted her daughter baptized but had to…
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Mass Confusion: Canon Saints/Los Santos del Canon en la Santa Misa
Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius, Clyprian. Lawrence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian, and all the Saints. The students at Saint Lawrence School can rattle off the names as though they were their own brothers and sisters. And, of course, they are. Eucharistic Prayer I, also known as the “Roman Canon” has been the…
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