Please join us to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Thursday, August 15. Solemn High Mass will be at 6:00PM, and immediately after the Mass a Picnic. The church will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and water. We would like you to bring a dessert or a side dish and a…
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About: Staff
Recent Posts by Staff
Bookstore Sale/Gran Liquidación: Postponed
Be sure to take advantage of the upcoming St. Mary’s Bookstore sale. Many items will be listed at 50% off their original prices. Here is a great opportunity to find wonderful cards, sacramentals, music CDs and jewelry for yourself, your family or for special gifts.
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Bookstore: Volunteers Needed
I wish to thank Lynn Haffey for her service to the parish by managing the bookstore over the past several years. I have asked Fr. Kloster to take over the management of the bookstore and to seek volunteers to staff it. For the moment we will reduce the hours of operation as follows: 1) Wednesday…
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Feast of Corpus Christi: Sun. June 23, 2019
Solemn Mass at 9:30AM, followed by an outdoor procession. Everyone in the parish is welcome to attend a festive reception in the Church hall following the procession. We need volunteers to bring refreshments: sandwich platters, salads, appetizers, drinks, and desserts. Please contact Jill Chessman, 11:30AM Mass will be in the Chapel.
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Learn Your Faith/Conozca Su Fe: Corpus Christi
The symbolism of the crucifix, which we see in the church every Sunday, reminds us of the fact that the same sacrificial offering of Himself, which Jesus made for us on the Cross, is continued for us in the sacrifice of the Mass. Ultimately, the same symbolism of the crucifix prompts us to consider how…
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Religious Education Office will be closed for the summer. If you would like to register your children for the 2019–2020 RCIA Program, please call the office at (203) 866-7429 Ext 112 and leave a message for Deacon Steve. Or email him directly at The office will reopen on Thursday, August 15, 2019. Have a blessed…
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June: Month Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saint Margaret Mary and the Sacred Heart/Santa Margarita María Alacoque y el Sagrado Corazón
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Clouds of Mass Confusion/Nubes de Confusión Masiva
It was a magnificent cloud resembling a cumulonimbus. As it wafted up and leveled out it assumed the characteristics of a stratocumulus. By the dismissal it was almost gone, dispersed by the currents into wisps of cirrus which old southern farmers call “switchin’mares’ tails”. No confusion here; it was a beautiful cloud of incense. Incense…
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Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity/Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma Y Divinidad
The outbreak of Swine Flu cast a pall of Mass Confusion over the proper understanding of Communion under both kinds i.e. reception of both the Host and the Precious Blood. Since the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ draws near (June 23), this is an opportune time to review the Church’s teaching on Communion under both kinds.
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Golden Age Luncheon: Wed. June 12
Golden Age Luncheon Wednesday, June 12, 2019 After the 12:10 Mass RSVP by June 9 to Esther Flynn: 203-866-0040
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