Recent Posts by Staff

Learn Your Faith: Euthanasia/La Eutanasia

One of the fundamental moral precepts of the Catholic Church, derived from Revelation and the Natural Law, is that the direct and voluntary killing of an innocent human being at any stage of life from conception to natural death is always gravely immoral. Euthanasia, or “mercy killing” as it is sometimes called, is “an action…
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Teen Catechism: Wed. March 13

Teen Catechism with Fr. Ringley Date: WEDNESDAY, March 13, 2019 Time: 6:00 - 8:15 p.m. (Second Wednesday of this month since Ash Wednesday falls on March 6.) Location: St. Mary's Church, in the upper church – 669 West Ave. Norwalk Bring friends! We will meet in the Church for 6:00 PM Mass, Proceed to the…
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Matrimony and Happiness

“Happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you.” So say the words of a song from the musical You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. While this definition of happiness may elicit a warm, fuzzy feeling from those who see the musical, it was not particularly useful during a debate in my theology…
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Learn Your Faith: Theology and Language

Learning the Faith necessarily includes not only thinking about God in new ways, but also learning new words and terms. Learning to use these words and terms properly is essential because using them incorrectly can lead to philosophical and theological errors of the kind that have divided Christians for almost as long as there have…
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Santa Bernardita, Imitemos su humildad! Bernardita era profundamente inocente, sencilla; limpia de corazón, desconocía toda maldad, y malicia, confiaba profundamente en el Señor. La Virgen María la escogió para enviar su mensaje porque era una criatura sencilla y pura. Bernardita decía que desde que vio a la Virgen, vivió con una permanente nostalgia por el…
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