Recent Posts by Staff

Dominica in Albis

This Sunday has many names. The first is Dominica in Albis, meaning Sunday in white, because the newly baptized wore their white garments to Mass on this Sunday. This is also called Low Sunday. No one is quite sure where this name comes from, but it would seem that this Sunday of the Octave of…
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Easter Sunday

Whatever I can say about the glory of Easter pales to what George Herbert, Anglican priest and poet, said in his wonderful poem I have oft quoted. So read, meditate and enjoy this Easter Gift, all who love and support our wonderful parish dedicated to Our Lady! Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing his praise…
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Palm Sunday

Holy Week begins with what I call the Day of Irony. The first part of the Mass includes the Procession with palms, recalling Christ’s entry into Jerusalem before his Passion and Death. The texts of the Traditional Roman Rite, which we use at St Mary’s all through Holy Week, preserve this irony: the One entering…
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Holy Week at St. Mary’s

Next week begins the most important week in the Liturgical Year, the week we call Holy. It is these days that we recall in the deepest liturgical sense those events in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ that bought us our salvation and give us hope of eternal life when we die. St. Mary’s…
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Schedule for Holy Week 2018

"Come and see": Experience the beauty and solemnity of the full traditional Holy Week. [row_in] [span4] PALM SUNDAY 8:00 a.m.  English Sung Mass 9:30 a.m.  Solemn Traditional Mass with Blessing and Procession 11:30 a.m.  English Sung Mass (Lower Chapel) 1:15 p.m.  Spanish Sung Mass HOLY MONDAY 7:30 a.m.  Traditional Latin Mass 11:30 a.m.  Confessions 12:10 p.m.  English…
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Esquinita Hispana: Palabras de Nuestro Párroco

Queridos amigos en Cristo: Nos acercamos a la parte más importante de todo el Año de la Iglesia. Llamamos a esta semana "Semana Santa" porque los servicios de la Iglesia en esta semana nos recuerdan cómo Jesucristo nos salvó por su muerte en la Cruz y cómo resucitó de entre los muertos en la Pascua…
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Parish Meal Ministry

We are forming a meal ministry at St. Mary's to provide home cooked meals for fellow parishioners who have just had a baby, or have a family member in the hospital, or have other temporary difficulties. If you are interested in volunteering to provide warm meals for our church families, please contact Kimberly Garcia at…
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