Recent Posts by Staff

Las Posadas 2017 en Santa María

Nuestra iglesia Santa María continuara con esta tradición. Las Posadas darán inicio el 15 de diciembre a las 7:00PM. Necesitamos 8 casas para que reciban a Jesús y a María. La ultima Posada, el 23 de diciembre, se hace en el gimnasio de la Escuela de Religión. Pedimos su colaboración de dulces, galletas, pasteles y…
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The Last Sunday of the Year

This Sunday marks the last Sunday in the liturgical year. Advent begins a new year for the Church. This is the feast of Christ the King on the Novus Ordo calendar. We celebrate this feast as the culmination of the Church Year and as the culmination of our faith. It is an affirmation that Christ…
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Month of All Souls

The month of November has traditionally been the month of All Souls, the month in which we focus on prayer for the dead. Most parishes celebrate the Mass on All Souls Day itself and then forget about the dead until next year. This is understandable in a Catholic world in which the color white is…
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Homilía: El Domingo 5 de Noviembre 2017

El último miércoles celebramos la maravillosa fiesta de Todos los Santos. Este es el día en que agradecemos a Dios por las oraciones de los santos en el cielo por nosotros. Estos son los hombres y mujeres que se transformaron en esta vida por la gracia de Dios para llegar a ser santos. Nos dan…
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All Saints and All Souls

I write this on what is known as Halloween, which has become the second most profitable holiday for those who sell things related to this holiday. The popularity of the holiday leaves one wondering why this is so. One thing we do know: that the day has lost any religious significance it once had. Hallowe’en…
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Teen Catechism Thurs. Nov. 9

St. Mary's Teen Catechism for * Teens and Young Adults of College Age * Thursday Nov. 9, 2017 6:00 p.m. Rosary in the Chapel 6:30 p.m. Conversation, Pizza & Salad in the Parish Hall 7:00–8:00 p.m. Talk led by Fr. Cipolla in the Parish Building 8:15 p.m. Evening ends promptly The topic this month: Our…
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Feast of Christ the King

“We no longer live in Christendom. We really have to accept that it’s a thing of the past.” This was a quote from an article sent to me published by the Washington Post about the decline of the number of Americans who go to church on a regular basis or even at all. The article…
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