Category Archives: Community and Parish Activities

Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent 2025

Ash Wednesday March 5th, 2025 8:00 AM Low Mass with imposition of ashes 12:10 PM Novus Ordo English Mass with imposition of ashes 6:00 PM Liturgia de la Palabra en Español con la imposición de cenizas 7:00 PM Traditional Latin Mass with imposition of ashes Fridays in Lent 2025 8:00 AM Traditional Latin Low Mass 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Adoration 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM Confessions 12:10 PM Novus Ordo Mass (English) 2:00 PM Stations of the Cross in English with school (Public welcome, First Fridays in chapel) 3:00 PM to 6:45 PM Adoration 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross in English 7:30 PM Via Crucis en Español
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Harp and Violin Concert: Sun. Feb. 23 at 3PM

"Across Waters": Italian music in the British Isles. Featuring Lydia Becker, baroque violin; Amanda Beranek, triple harp; and Nathan Francisco, baroque cello. The violin emerged as a virtuosic instrument in 17th century Italy, but its popularity quickly spread throughout Europe thanks to itinerant musicians. As the instrument found its way to the British Isles, an…
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Feast of the Annunciation (transferred): Mon. Apr. 8

8:00am Low Mass; 12:10pm Mass in English; 7:00pm Sung Mass with St. Mary's Schola Cantorum (Music of Morales, Mouton, Sweelinck, and Aliseda). The Solemnity of the Annunciation is normally celebrated on March 25, nine months before the Nativity of the Lord, a feast which came about earlier historically. The Annunciation recalls the day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and revealed God’s will that she become the Mother of the Son of God, and she accepted. At that moment, the “Word became Flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). In 2024, because it would otherwise fall during Holy Week, the Annunciation will be observed on Monday, April 8.
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Holy Week Schedule 2024

~ PALM SUNDAY ~ (March 24): 8:00 AM: English Sung Mass; 10:00 AM: Solemn Traditional Latin Mass; (Procession of the Palms; St. Matthew’s Passion); 12:00 PM: Spanish Sung Mass (offered in the school gym). ~ HOLY MONDAY ~ (March 25): 3:00-9:00 PM: 'Reconciliation Monday'; Confessions will be heard at the following parishes: St. ALOYSIUS - St. MATTHEW - St. THOMAS MORE and also 6:00-8:00 pm: Confessions at St. Mary with Fr. F.J. Ringley. ~ HOLY TUESDAY ~ (March 26): 8:00 AM: Traditional Latin Mass. 11:30 AM: Confessions at St. Mary. 12:10 PM: English Mass. 6:00-7:00 pm: Confessions at St. Mary. ~ SPY WEDNESDAY ~ (March 27): 8:00 AM: Traditional Latin Mass. 11:30 AM: Confessions at St. Mary. 12:10 PM: English Mass. 7:00 PM: TENEBRÆ of Maundy Thursday. ~ MAUNDY THURSDAY ~ (March 28): 7:00 PM: SOLEMN MASS in Cena Domini. 9:00 PM: Vespers and Stripping of the Altars. 9:30 Pm: Vigil before the Blessed Sacrament (at the Altar of Repose in the lower chapel) ~ GOOD FRIDAY ~ (March 29): 11:00 AM: Stations of the Cross (Latin, English, and Spanish). 3:00 PM: The MASS of the PRESANCTIFIED (St. John’s Passion by Victoria; Worship of the Cross). 7:00 PM: Procession of the CRISTO MUERTO and Burial of the BODY of CHRIST. ~ HOLY SATURDAY ~ (March 30): 12:30 PM: Blessing of Easter Food (gym). 7:00 PM: The GREAT VIGIL of EASTER. 11:30 PM: Festive Reception. ~ EASTER SUNDAY ~ (March 31): 8:00 AM: English Sung Mass. 10:00 AM: Solemn Traditional Latin Mass. 12:00 PM: Spanish Sung Mass.
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