Category Archives: Community and Parish Activities

Update from the Pastor—Mensaje del Padre Ringley

If we all continue to do all in our power to keep things moving in the right direction, we can survive all this and emerge as a stronger, more Faith-filled parish than ever....Si todos continuamos haciendo todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para mantener las cosas en la dirección correcta, podemos sobrevivir a todo esto y resurgir como una parroquia más fuerte y con más fe que nunca.
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Opening the church building for Mass—Apertura del edificio de la iglesia para la celebración de la Santa Misa

We plan to open the church for public Mass on Saturday, June 13. Planeamos abrir la iglesia para la celebración de la Misa pública el sábado 13 de junio. 1) We are going to need volunteers to sanitize after each Mass and to act as ushers. There will be a training meeting for these volunteers…
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Phase One of re-opening the Diocese for Mass—Primera Fase para reabrir la diócesis para la celebracion de la Santa Misa

Dear Friends, 1) Thank you for your patience and prayers. It’s all a bit confusing, I know, but we are doing our best to make Mass and the Sacraments available to you given the restrictions under which we must operate at the moment. Please continue to pray for an end to the current situation. Queridos…
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