Father Ringley is opening St. Mary Church for prayer the Monday night preceding the elections and continuing through all of Tuesday, Nov. 2-3. Please come and pray for our faithful departed as well as for the elections!
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“Unplanned” Movie: Sat. Oct. 24 at 5PM
Saint Mary Church is proud to present the movie UNPLANNED, the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation from pro-choice to pro-life. Please call for reservations.
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Rosary in front of St. Mary’s Rectory: Oct. 10
A Rosary will be said in front of St. Mary's Rectory on October 10th at noon for our country, for peace, for the upcoming election, etc. We invite everyone to come and join us in prayer for our nation. ROSARY COAST TO COAST Again this year we will participate in the Rosary Coast to Coast…
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Feast of Our Lady of Good Health
24th Annual Feast Celebration: Our Lady of Good Health (Vailankanni)—Flag Hoisting will be held on Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Fiesta de Nuestra Senora de Buena Salud (Vailankanni)—Hizada de la Bandera, Sabado 29 de Agosto a las 10:00 a.m.
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Sunday at 11:15am: additional Sung Latin Mass (time change)
Update: This Sunday, August 30, we will start the second Latin Mass at 11:15am to allow more time before the 12:30 Spanish Mass. Please call the church office at 203-866-5546 x 101 to make a reservation (as with all our weekend Masses).
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Registration for RCIA Program—Inscripción para el programa RICA 2020-2021
We will be registering children who are 7 years old and older, as well as adults, for the upcoming 2020-2021 RCIA classes, which will begin on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. This program is for anyone who needs any of the three Sacraments of initiation. Our office is open, but we are not allowing anyone in…
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We are currently taking registrations for the upcoming 2020-2021 R.C.I.A. Program. All children who are 7 years old or older should be registered for this program. If you are an adult who needs any Sacrament at all, please call or email Dn. Steve. 203-943-1352. dngenovese@diobpt.org
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Mass Schedule: Monday 8/3–Friday 8/14
Please take note! Reduced schedule of daily Masses, Confessions and Adoration in the first two weeks of August. Also no livestreaming of Masses during this time, but it will resume on Sunday, August 16.
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Update from the Pastor—Mensaje del Padre Ringley
If we all continue to do all in our power to keep things moving in the right direction, we can survive all this and emerge as a stronger, more Faith-filled parish than ever....Si todos continuamos haciendo todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para mantener las cosas en la dirección correcta, podemos sobrevivir a todo esto y resurgir como una parroquia más fuerte y con más fe que nunca.
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Phase II: Instructions for ushers and sanitation engineers—Instrucciones para Servidores y personal Sanitario
1) We ask that everyone enter through the front doors only, meet an usher, and be shown to a seat. This will ensure that we will be able to seat as many people as possible in the church while maintain the proper distancing. The pews to be used are marked with blue tape. People should…
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