We plan to open the church for public Mass on Saturday, June 13. Planeamos abrir la iglesia para la celebración de la Misa pública el sábado 13 de junio. 1) We are going to need volunteers to sanitize after each Mass and to act as ushers. There will be a training meeting for these volunteers…
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Reservations for Mass/Communion—Reservaciones para Asistir a Misa y Comunión
We will begin outdoor Masses on Thursday, May 21st in accord with the bishop’s instructions. Because only 50 people are permitted to be together at once, in order to attend Mass outdoors, one must call to make a reservation. Reservations may ONLY be made by phone.
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Phase One of re-opening the Diocese for Mass—Primera Fase para reabrir la diócesis para la celebracion de la Santa Misa
Dear Friends, 1) Thank you for your patience and prayers. It’s all a bit confusing, I know, but we are doing our best to make Mass and the Sacraments available to you given the restrictions under which we must operate at the moment. Please continue to pray for an end to the current situation. Queridos…
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Bishop Announces Gradual Return to Public Mass
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In the joy of Easter, I wish to announce the good news that in consultation with the pastors of the Diocese, we will be able to begin the outdoor public celebration of Mass on May 21, the Ascension of our Lord.
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Looking to the Near Future—Mirando al Futuro
Dear Friends, After a conference call with the bishop and other pastors Thursday morning we have some things to think about. I have placed a note on the chapel door recommending that all who visit the chapel observe the proper distancing and other safety precautions put in place by the local government. I hope to…
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Holy Week Schedule 2020
Palm Sunday Masses (April 5) (livestream only): 8:00 AM : English; 9:30 AM : Latin; 12:30 PM : Español. Note: Palms will be distributed on Pentecost Sunday (May 31). Weekday Masses (Mon., Tues., Wed. only, April 6-8) (livestream only): 8:00 AM (Latin) and 12:10 PM (English). Confessions (Mon., Tues., Wed., April 6-8): 1-2 PM and 5-7 PM only. Come to the vestibule of the upstairs church.
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Confessions: Mon-Wed of Holy Week Only (Apr. 6-8)
From Fr. Ringley: I will offer the Sacrament of Confession on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week ONLY as follows: MONDAY, APRIL 6 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm TUESDAY, APRIL 7 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm WEDNESDAY, APRIL…
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3-26-20: Update for RCIA Families—A las familias de RICA
Dear RCIA Families, I pray that you are all well. You probably know that the bishop has informed us that we are not to have any public Masses through April 30th. This means that you will not be receiving your Sacraments at the Easter Vigil on April 11th as we had hoped. I know that…
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A Note from Fr. Ringley (Thurs. March 19)
Dear Parishioners of St. Mary’s, Be assured that I am praying for all of you—Estimados feligreses de Santa María, Tengan la seguridad de que estoy orando por todos ustedes mientras ofrezco las Misas diarias, mi Rosario y la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia, y la Liturgia de las Horas como lo hago todos los días.
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Public Masses Suspended by order of the Bishop—Misas públicas suspendidas por el Obispo
All public Masses suspended—La celebración publica de la Misa ha sido suspendida. No Adoration or Confessions at St. Mary's until further notice—No hay adoración ni confesión (read more)
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