Category Archives: Community and Parish Activities

Holy Week 2021

~ PALM SUNDAY ~ (March 28) 8:00 AM: English Sung Mass. 9:30 AM: Solemn Traditional Latin Mass (with Blessing and Procession – No 11:15 Mass). 1:00 PM: Spanish Sung Mass. ~ HOLY MONDAY ~ (March 29) 8:00 AM: Traditional Latin Mass. 11:30 AM: Confessions at St. Mary. 12:10 PM: English Mass. 3:00-9:00 PM: 'Reconciliation Monday'…
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Consecration to Saint Joseph—CONSAGRACIÓN A SAN JOSÉ

Saint Mary Church will start the 33 days Consecration to Saint Joseph on February 15. We will be using the book by Fr. Donald Calloway ($14.95). Please call the office if you would like to participate with this wonderful devotion and to buy the book. We will try to do the first day together and then we’ll do the rest of the days on our own. The last day (March 19) we will consecrate ourselves in Church with Fr. Ringley as our witness.
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