Category Archives: Community and Parish Activities

New Year’s Mass Schedule (Dec. 31-Jan. 1)

NEW YEAR'S EVE (Day) Thursday, December 31, 2020 8:00AM (Latin) 12:10 Noon (English) SOLEMNITY OF MARY Octave Day of Christmas Masses: Friday, January 1, 2021 8:00AM (English) 9:30AM (Solemn Latin Mass) 11:15AM (Sung Latin) 1:00PM (Spanish) MISAS DE AÑO NUEVO (DURANTE EL DÍA) Jueves, diciembre 31, 2020 8:00AM (Latín) 12:10Noon (Ingles) SOLEMNIDAD DE LA VIRGEN…
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Saturday, November 21 from 10AM to 1PM in the church parking lot and after 4PM and 7PM Masses. Sunday, November 22 after 8AM, 9:30AM, 11:15AM and 1PM Masses. We are in need of the following food items: Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce & Gravy, Canned Fruits, Vegetables & Soups, Rice & Beans, Cereal & Oatmeal, Macaroni & Cheese, Pasta & Pasta Sauce, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Shelf Stable Milk, Tuna Fish & Canned Meat, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Granola Bars, Dried Herbs & Spices, Olive & Cooking Oil, Honey & Maple Syrup, Tea & Coffee. TO BENEFIT: CATHOLIC CHARITIES ROOM TO GROW PRESCHOOL
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