Wednesday, 20 March 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Music for the Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent
(Missale Romanum of 1962)
Missa Deus Genitor alme (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVIII)
Gregorian Mass of Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent: Ne derelinquas me
Music for the Second Sunday of Lent, 17 March 2019
Music for the Second Sunday of Lent
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: O Wondrous Type, O Vision Fair (Agincourt)
Missa Quo puerum ediderat (Guillaume Dufay, 1397-1474)
Gregorian Mass of the Second Sunday of Lent: Reminiscere
Motet at the Offertory: O nata lux (Thomas Tallis, c.1505-1585)
Motet at the Communion: Hic est filius (Diego de las Muelas, 1698-1743)
Music for the Second Sunday of Lent
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: The Glory of These Forty Days (Erhalt uns Herr)
Introit: Reminiscere (plainsong, mode iv)
Missa pro Dominicis Adventus & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVII)
Gradual: Sciant gentes (plainsong, mode i)
Tract: Commovisti (plainsong, mode viii)
Offertory: Meditabor (plainsong, mode ii)
Motet at the Offertory: O Saviour of the World (John Goss, 1800-1880)
Communion: Visionem (plainsong, mode i)
Motet at the Communion: O nata lux (Tallis)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Music for the Ember Wednesday of Lent, 13 March 2019
Wednesday, 13 March 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Music for the Ember Wednesday of Lent
(Missale Romanum of 1962)
Missa pro Feriis Adventus & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVIII)
Gregorian Mass of the Ember Wednesday of Lent: Reminiscere
Music for the First Sunday of Lent, 10 March 2019
Music for the First Sunday of Lent
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: God of Mercy and Compassion (Au sang qu’un Dieu)
Missa pro Dominicis Adventus & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVII)
Gregorian Mass of the First Sunday of Lent: Invocabit me
Motet at the Offertory: Emendemus in melius (William Byrd, 1540-1623)
Hymn at the Communion: Media vita (Jacobus de Kerle, c.1531-1591)
Music for the First Sunday of Lent
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Forty Days and Forty Nights (Heinlein)
Introit: Invocabit me (plainsong, mode viii)
Missa pro Dominicis Adventus & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVII)
Gradual: Angelis suis (plainsong, mode ii)
Tract: Qui habitat (plainsong, mode ii)
Offertory: Scapulis suis (plainsong, mode viii)
Motet at the Offertory: Turn Thy Face From My Sins (Arthur Sullivan, 1842-1900)
Communion: Scapulis suis (plainsong, mode iii)
Motet at the Communion: Call to Remembrance, O Lord (Richard Farrant, c.1530-1580)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Music for the Saturday after Ash Wednesday, 9 March 2019
Saturday, 9 March 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Music for the Saturday after Ash Wednesday
(Missale Romanum of 1962)
Missa pro Feriis Adventus & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVIII)
Gregorian Mass of the Saturday after Ash Wednesday: Audivit Dominus
Mass is preceded by the First Grade of the Catechumenate,
for those to be baptized at the Easter Vigil.
The second Saturday of every month is a Missa cantata celebrated
for the intentions of the Gospel of Life Society at St. Mary’s.
Music for Ash Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Music for Ash Wednesday
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 12:10 p.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Forty Days and Forty Nights (Heinlein)
Introit: Misereris omnium (plainsong, mode i)
Gradual: Miserere mei (plainsong, mode i)
Tract: Domine, non secundum (plainsong, mode ii)
Missa pro Feriis Adventus & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVIII)
Antiphons at the imposition of ashes: Immutemur, Justxa vestibulum, Emendemus
Offertory: Exaltabo te Domine (plainsong, mode ii)
Communion: Qui meditabitur (plainsong, mode iii)
Hymn at the Retiring Procession: Have Mercy, Lord, on Us (Southwell)
Music for Ash Wednesday
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 7:00 p.m.)
Missa ferialis (anonymous, XVIII C., Granada)
Antiphon at the blessing of ashes: Exaudi nos, Domine (plainsong, mode vii)
Antiphon at the imposition of ashes: Immutemur (plainsong, mode i)
Motet at the imposition of ashes: Inter vestibulum (Diego de las Muelas, 1698-1743)
Antiphon at the imposition of ashes: Emendemus in melius (plainsong, mode ii)
Gregorian Mass of Ash Wednesday: Misereris omnium
Motet at the Offertory: Exaltabo te Domine (Orlande de Lassus, c.1532-1594)
Motet at the Communion: Miserere mei Domine (Lassus)
Music for Vespers of Quinquagesima Sunday, 3 March 2019
Sunday, 3 March 2019, 5:00 p.m.
Music for Second Vespers of Quinquagesima Sunday
Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
Dixit Dominus & Psalm 109 (mode vii)
Magna opera Domini & Psalm 110 (mode iii)
Qui timet Dominum & Psalm 111 (mode iv)
Sit nomen Domini & Psalm 112 (mode vii)
Deus autem noster & Psalm 113 (mode i)
Hymn: Lucis Creator (plainsong, mode viii)
Magnificat antiphon: Stans autem Jesus (mode i)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (mode vi)
O Salutaris Hostia (Hereford)
Tantum ergo (Werner)
Adoremus in aeternum (plainsong, mode i)
Postlude: Improvisation
Music for Quinquagesima Sunday, 3 March 2019
Music for Quinquagesima Sunday
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Psalm-Prelude Set 2, No. 2 (Ps. 139:11) (Herbert Howells, 1892-1983)
Hymn at the Procession: In Thee, Lord, Have I Put My Trust (In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr)
Missa Come la tourturelle (Giorgio Flori, c.1558-c.1594)
Gregorian Mass of Quinquagesima: Esto mihi
Motet at the Offertory: Ave Regina caelorum (Alonso Lobo, 1555-1617)
Motet at the Communion: Ecce ascendimus (Francisco Guerrero, 1528-1599)
Postlude: Psalm-Prelude Set 2, No. 3 (Ps. 33:3) (Howells)
Music for the Eighth Sunday of the Year
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Praise to the Lord (Lobe den Herren)
Introit: Factus est Dominus (plainsong, mode i)
Missa Orbis factor (Vatican Gradual, Mass XI)
Gradual: Bonum est confiteri (plainsong, mode v)
Alleluia: Domine Deus meus (plainsong, mode i)
Offertory: Domine convertere (plainsong, mode vi)
Motet at the Offertory: Sicut cervus (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, c.1525-1594)
Communion: Cantabo Domino (plainsong, mode ii)
Motet at the Communion: Jesu, the very thought of Thee (Edward Bairstow, 1874-1946)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above
Music for the Feast of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, 27 February 2019
Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Music for the Feast of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
(Missale Romanum of 1962)
Prelude: Improvisation
Missa Alme Pater (Vatican Gradual, Mass X)
Gregorian Mass of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows: Oculus Dei
Postlude: Improvisation
Music for Sexagesima Sunday, 24 February 2019
Music for Sexagesima Sunday
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Concerto en ré majeur: Prélude (Claude-Bénigne Balbastre, 1724-1799)
Hymn at the Procession: Thy Kingdom Come, O God (St. Cecilia)
Missa Caça (Cristóbal de Morales, c.1500-1553)
Gregorian Mass of Sexagesima: Exsurge
Motet at the Offertory: Ave Regina caelorum (Juan García de Salazar, 1639–1710)
Motet at the Communion: In illo tempore, cum turba plurima (Morales)
Postlude: Concerto en ré majeur: Allegro (Balbastre)
Music for the Seventh Sunday of the Year
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Christ Is the World's Light (Christe sanctorum)
Introit: Domine, in tua misericordia (plainsong, mode v)
Missa Orbis factor (Vatican Gradual, Mass XI)
Gradual: Ego dixi: Domine (plainsong, mode v)
Alleluia: Verba mea (plainsong, mode ii)
Offertory: Intende voci (plainsong, mode v)
Motet at the Offertory: Intende voci orationis meae (Edward Elgar, 1857-1934)
Communion: Narrabo (plainsong, mode ii)
Motet at the Communion: God so loved the world (John Stainer, 1840-1901)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above