Category Archives: Music

Music for the Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year, 18 November 2007

Prelude: Apparition de l’Eglise éternelle (Olivier Messiaen, 1908-1992)

Alleluia: De profundis (plainsong, mode vii)

Hymn at the Offertory: Lord Christ, When First You Came to Earth (Mit Freuden zart)

Communion: Amen dico vobis (plainsong, mode i)

Motet at the Communion: O Bone Jesu (G.P. da Palestrina, c.1525-1594)

Postlude: Praeludium in F# Minor [BuxWV 146] (Dietrich Buxtehude, c.1637-1707)

Music for the Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year, 11 November 2007

Prelude: Prélude (from Messe basse pour tous les temps) (Gaston Litaize, 1909-1991)

Alleluia: Qui posuit (plainsong, mode iv)

Hymn at the Offertory: If There Be That Skills to Reckon (Lewes) (arr. Philip A. Prince)

Communion: Dominus regit me (plainsong, mode ii)

Organ meditation at the Communion: Communion (from Messe basse pour tous les temps) (Litaize)

Postlude: Prière d’action de grâces (from Messe basse pour tous les temps) (Litaize)

Music for the Thirty-First Sunday of the Year, 4 November 2007

Prelude: Short Prelude in G Minor [BWV 558] (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Mass Ordinary: Missa de Angelis (Vatican Gradual, Mass VIII)

Alleluia: O quam bonus (plainsong, mode i)

Motet at the Offertory: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)

Communion: Notas mihi fecisti (plainsong, mode vii)

Hymn at the Communion: Ave verum corpus (plainsong, mode vi)

Postlude: Fugue in G Minor [BWV 542] (Bach)

Music for the Solemnity of All Saints, 1 November 2007

Prelude: Improvisation on the Introit Gaudeamus

Mass Ordinary: Missa de Angelis (Vatican Gradual, Mass VIII)

Hymn at the Offertory: For All the Saints (Sine Nomine)

Communion: Beati mundo corde (plainsong, mode i)

Hymn at the Communion: If There Be That Skills To Reckon (Lewes) (harm. & desc. Philip A. Prince)

Postlude: Toccata (Eugène Gigout)

Music for the Thirtieth Sunday of the Year, 28 October 2007

Prelude: Short Prelude & Fugue in A Minor [BWV 559] (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Alleluia: Lauda, Ierusalem (plainsong, mode iv)

Hymn at the Offertory: Praise to the Holiest in the Height (Newman)

Communion: Laetabimur (plainsong, mode ii)

Postlude: “Adoro te” (from Livre du Saint Sacrement) (Olivier Messiaen, 1908-1992)

Music for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year, 21 October 2007

Prelude: Tiento [Kyrie Fons bonitatis] (Jean Langlais, 1907-1991)

Alleluia: Lauda, anima mea (plainsong, mode viii)

Motet at the Offertory: Ad te levavi (Rev. Franz Xavier Witt, 1834-1888)

Communion: Domine Dominus noster (plainsong, mode ii)

Hymn at the Communion: Jesu dulcis memoria (plainsong, mode i)

Postlude: Méditation [Ubi caritas, Jesu dulcis memoria] (Langlais)

Vespers and Piano Recital by Fr. John Ringley, 9 November 2007

Fresh from this past Sunday’s breathtaking recital by the New York Piano-Organ Duo, we are very pleased to present the next offering in the St. Mary’s Recital Series: a piano performance by the Rev. F. John Ringley, Jr. on Friday, November 9th at 7:30 p.m. Fr. Ringley, who is parochial vicar at St. Lawrence Church, Shelton, is an accomplished concert pianist. On the program are Bach’s French Suite No. 6 in E (BWV 817); Mozart’s Sonata in C (K. 545) and Rondo in a (K. 511); Chopin’s Three Etudes (Op. 10); Liszt’s Consolation No. 3 in D-flat; and Fr. Ringley’s own Variations on a Nursery Rhyme. Prior to the recital, the St. Mary’s Choir will sing Vespers of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica at 7:00 p.m. A reception will follow the recital. The concert is free and open to the public; there is a $10 suggested donation. For further information, please call the St. Mary’s Music Office at 203-866-5546 x115, or visit

Music for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year, 14 October 2007

Prelude: Kyrie eleison in e [Op. 59, No. 7] (Max Reger, 1873-1916)

Alleluia: Qui timent Dominum (plainsong, mode i)

Motet at the Offertory: O Bone Jesu (G.P da Palestrina, c.1525-1594)

Communion: Aufer a me (plainsong, mode ii)

Postlude: Ich dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn [I give thanks to Thee by Thy Son] [BuxWV 195] (Dietrich Buxtehude, c.1637-1707)

New York Piano-Organ Duo: Sunday, 14 October 2007, 4:30 p.m.

St. Mary’s is very pleased to present a concert by the New York Piano-Organ Duo on Sunday, October 14th, at 4:30 p.m. Jason Cutmore, piano, and Daniel Sullivan, organ, will play works of J.S. Bach, César Franck, Jean Langlais, and Jeffrey McCune. The concert is free to the public (suggested donation: $10), and will be preceded at 4:00 p.m. by Solemn Vespers of the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year, sung by the St. Mary's Choir. For further information, please call the St. Mary’s Music Office at 203-866-5546 x115, or visit flier is available here.