Category Archives: Music

Music for the Solemnity of All Saints, 1 November 2007

Prelude: Improvisation on the Introit Gaudeamus

Mass Ordinary: Missa de Angelis (Vatican Gradual, Mass VIII)

Hymn at the Offertory: For All the Saints (Sine Nomine)

Communion: Beati mundo corde (plainsong, mode i)

Hymn at the Communion: If There Be That Skills To Reckon (Lewes) (harm. & desc. Philip A. Prince)

Postlude: Toccata (Eugène Gigout)

Music for the Thirtieth Sunday of the Year, 28 October 2007

Prelude: Short Prelude & Fugue in A Minor [BWV 559] (J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)

Alleluia: Lauda, Ierusalem (plainsong, mode iv)

Hymn at the Offertory: Praise to the Holiest in the Height (Newman)

Communion: Laetabimur (plainsong, mode ii)

Postlude: “Adoro te” (from Livre du Saint Sacrement) (Olivier Messiaen, 1908-1992)

Music for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year, 21 October 2007

Prelude: Tiento [Kyrie Fons bonitatis] (Jean Langlais, 1907-1991)

Alleluia: Lauda, anima mea (plainsong, mode viii)

Motet at the Offertory: Ad te levavi (Rev. Franz Xavier Witt, 1834-1888)

Communion: Domine Dominus noster (plainsong, mode ii)

Hymn at the Communion: Jesu dulcis memoria (plainsong, mode i)

Postlude: Méditation [Ubi caritas, Jesu dulcis memoria] (Langlais)

Vespers and Piano Recital by Fr. John Ringley, 9 November 2007

Fresh from this past Sunday’s breathtaking recital by the New York Piano-Organ Duo, we are very pleased to present the next offering in the St. Mary’s Recital Series: a piano performance by the Rev. F. John Ringley, Jr. on Friday, November 9th at 7:30 p.m. Fr. Ringley, who is parochial vicar at St. Lawrence Church, Shelton, is an accomplished concert pianist. On the program are Bach’s French Suite No. 6 in E (BWV 817); Mozart’s Sonata in C (K. 545) and Rondo in a (K. 511); Chopin’s Three Etudes (Op. 10); Liszt’s Consolation No. 3 in D-flat; and Fr. Ringley’s own Variations on a Nursery Rhyme. Prior to the recital, the St. Mary’s Choir will sing Vespers of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica at 7:00 p.m. A reception will follow the recital. The concert is free and open to the public; there is a $10 suggested donation. For further information, please call the St. Mary’s Music Office at 203-866-5546 x115, or visit

Music for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year, 14 October 2007

Prelude: Kyrie eleison in e [Op. 59, No. 7] (Max Reger, 1873-1916)

Alleluia: Qui timent Dominum (plainsong, mode i)

Motet at the Offertory: O Bone Jesu (G.P da Palestrina, c.1525-1594)

Communion: Aufer a me (plainsong, mode ii)

Postlude: Ich dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn [I give thanks to Thee by Thy Son] [BuxWV 195] (Dietrich Buxtehude, c.1637-1707)

New York Piano-Organ Duo: Sunday, 14 October 2007, 4:30 p.m.

St. Mary’s is very pleased to present a concert by the New York Piano-Organ Duo on Sunday, October 14th, at 4:30 p.m. Jason Cutmore, piano, and Daniel Sullivan, organ, will play works of J.S. Bach, César Franck, Jean Langlais, and Jeffrey McCune. The concert is free to the public (suggested donation: $10), and will be preceded at 4:00 p.m. by Solemn Vespers of the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year, sung by the St. Mary's Choir. For further information, please call the St. Mary’s Music Office at 203-866-5546 x115, or visit flier is available here.

Music for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year, 7 October 2007

Prelude: Ballade en mode Phyrgien (Jehan Alain, 1911-1940)

Mass Ordinary: Missa de Angelis (Vatican Gradual, Mass VIII)

Alleluia: In exitu Israel (plainsong, mode ii)

Hymn at the Offertory: Ave Maria (Jacques Arcadelt, c.1505-1568)

Communion: In salutari tuo (plainsong, mode i)

Motet at the Communion: Anima Christi (plainsong, mode i)

Postlude: Petite Pièce (Alain)

Ward Method Classes at St. Mary’s

Dear Parishioners:

With the coming of the new academic year each September comes the start of a new choral season, and we at St. Mary’s are particularly excited about this year’s program for the Children’s Choir! We understand that the involvement of children in various ministries in the Church can reinforce the importance of the Mass in their lives as young Catholics. Through their time and hard work, these young people contribute to the parish in a very positive way through the ministry of music. Music is an area of our liturgical life upon which we place tremendous emphasis. Providing music for Mass by singing is not only a gift to God, but a service to the worshiping community. When well done, sacred music can lift hearts and minds to the Almighty!

The key ingredient for the Children’s Choir is an understanding that sacred music is sung prayer. We sing first and foremost for the glorification of God at Mass, offering our very selves in the rendering of the purest and best prayer we can muster. Such beauty of liturgical song does not arise, however, entirely of its own accord; it can only be achieved through systematic practice, learning, and performance.

Just such a system is found in the Ward Method of musical instruction, an ingenious means of teaching children the fundamentals of singing, reading, and conducting. The Ward Method is the brainchild of Justine Ward, a New Yorker who dedicated her entire life to learning about liturgical music and especially Gregorian chant. She moved to France and studied for a number of years with Dom André Mocquereau, a Benedictine monk of the world-famous Abbey of Solesmes. Solesmes is responsible, almost single-handedly, for the compilation, study, and distribution of the ancient chant repertoire in its full splendor to the Church at large.

I am pleased to say that one of our parishioners, Mrs. Adelaide Anderson, has spent this past summer undergoing intensive training in the Ward Method at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Ward teachers spend several weeks mastering Mrs. Ward’s pedagogical tools so as to teach children of all levels of musical ability. A considerable benefit of the Ward Method is that it teaches literacy in reading all types of music, with the rate of success directly proportional to the time the children devote to the lessons. Mrs. Anderson is very excited to offer her services as a Ward instructor to St. Mary Church, and I am equally excited to present this unparalleled opportunity to all of the children of our parish. No previous musical training or choral experience is necessary for children to participate. It is our sincere hope that this training will bear fruit in the repertoire of chant, hymnody, and polyphony that the Children’s Choir will sing this coming year at Mass.

To this end, I would like to invite any parents who are interested in having their children participate in the Children’s Choir to a meeting on Thursday, October 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. (Please note that the date of October 12th printed in this week’s bulletin is incorrect; the meeting will be on October 11th.) At that time, I will present, with Mrs. Anderson, a demonstration of the Ward Method, and we will discuss the schedule of rehearsals and Masses for the coming year. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to this meeting, as singing in a choir involves a commitment from the whole family. Refreshments will be served.

If you should have any questions about the choirs in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone (203-866-5546 x115) or e-mail ( The past year was a happy and fruitful time for the young singers in the Children’s Choir. We are delighted once again this year to welcome all our singers, old and new, to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!

Yours sincerely in Christ,

David J. Hughes
Organist & Choirmaster

Music for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year, 30 September 2007

Prelude: Psalm-Prelude on Ps. 37:11 [Op. 32, No. 2] (Herbert Howells, 1892-1983)

Alleluia: Paratum cor meum (plainsong, mode iii)

Hymn at the Offertory: All My Hope On God Is Founded [Michael] (Howells)

Communion: Memento verbi tui (plainsong, mode iv)

Motet at the Communion: Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake (Richard Farrant, c.1530-1580)

Postlude: Introduction and Toccata in G Major (William Walond, 1725-1770)