Category Archives: Music

Music for Sexagesima Sunday, 24 February 2019

Music for Sexagesima Sunday
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Concerto en ré majeur: Prélude (Claude-Bénigne Balbastre, 1724-1799)
Hymn at the Procession: Thy Kingdom Come, O God (St. Cecilia)
Missa Caça (Cristóbal de Morales, c.1500-1553)
Gregorian Mass of Sexagesima: Exsurge
Motet at the Offertory: Ave Regina caelorum (Juan García de Salazar, 1639–1710)
Motet at the Communion: In illo tempore, cum turba plurima (Morales)
Postlude: Concerto en ré majeur: Allegro (Balbastre)

Music for the Seventh Sunday of the Year
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Christ Is the World's Light (Christe sanctorum)
Introit: Domine, in tua misericordia (plainsong, mode v)
Missa Orbis factor (Vatican Gradual, Mass XI)
Gradual: Ego dixi: Domine (plainsong, mode v)
Alleluia: Verba mea (plainsong, mode ii)
Offertory: Intende voci (plainsong, mode v)
Motet at the Offertory: Intende voci orationis meae (Edward Elgar, 1857-1934)
Communion: Narrabo (plainsong, mode ii)
Motet at the Communion: God so loved the world (John Stainer, 1840-1901)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above

Music for Septuagesima Sunday, 17 February 2019

Music for Septuagesima Sunday
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Trio Sonata (Op. 18/II): I. Rasche, energische Halbe (Hugo Distler, 1908-1942)
Hymn at the Procession: Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Aberystwyth)
Missa Simile est regnum caelorum (Tomás Luis de Victoria, 1548-1611)
Gregorian Mass of Septuagesima: Circumdederunt me
Motet at the Offertory: Circumdederunt me (Cristóbal de Morales, c.1500-1553)
Motet at the Communion: Simile est regnum caelorum à 4 (Francisco Guerrero, 1528-1599)
Postlude: Trio Sonata (Op. 18/II): III. Recht geschwinde Achtel (Distler)

Music for the Sixth Sunday of the Year
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Faith of Our Fathers (St. Catherine)
Introit: Esto mihi (plainsong, mode iv)
Missa Orbis factor (Vatican Gradual, Mass XI)
Gradual: Tu es Deus (plainsong, mode iii)
Alleluia: Cantate Domino (plainsong, mode i)
Offertory: Benedictus es Domine (plainsong, mode iii)
Hymn at the Offertory: Praise to the Holiest in the Height (Newman)
Communion: Manducaverunt (plainsong, mode i)
Motet at the Communion: The Beatitudes (Arvo Pärt, b.1935)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above

Music for Thursday Vespers & Benediction, 14 February 2019

Thursday, 14 February 2019, 5:30 p.m.
Music for Thursday Vespers & Benediction
Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
Ecce quam bonum & Psalm 132 (mode i)
Confitemini Domino quoniam & Psalm 135.I (mode iii)
Confitemini Domino quia & Psalm 135.II (mode iii)
Adhaereat lingua mea & Psalm 136 (mode iii)
Confitebor nomini tuo & Psalm 137 (mode v)
Hymn: Magnae Deus potentiae (plainsong, mode ii)
Magnificat antiphon: Fecit Deus potentiam (mode vii)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
O Salutaris Hostia (Hereford)
Tantum ergo (French melody)
Adoremus in aeternum (plainsong, mode i)
Postlude: Improvisation

Viri Galilæi

Vespers & Benediction will be followed immediately by a talk by Peter Kwasniewski,
sponsored by the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny:

Music for a Feria of Epiphanytide, 13 February 2019

Wednesday, 13 February 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Music for a Feria of Epiphanytide
(Missale Romanum of 1962)
Prelude: Improvisation
Missa in Feriis per annum 
(Vatican Gradual, Mass XVI)
Gregorian Mass of the Third Sunday after the Epiphany: Adorate Deum
Postlude: Recessional (Op. 96, No. 4) (William Mathias, 1934-1992)

Music for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, 10 February 2019

Music for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Canzonetta (Op. 78, No. 2) (William Mathias, 1934-1992)
Hymn at the Procession: Almighty God, Thy Word Is Cast (Dunfermline)
Missa Rex Genitor (Vatican Gradual, Mass VI)
Gregorian Mass of the Third Sunday after the Epiphany: Adorate Deum
Motet at the Offertory: Gustate et videte (Giammateo Asola, c.1532-1609)
Motet at the Communion: Ave Regina caelorum I (Guillaume Dufay, 1397-1474)
Postlude: Recessional (Op. 96, No. 4) (Mathias)

Music for the Fifth Sunday of the Year
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: The Living God My Shepherd Is (Brother James' Air)
Introit: Venite, adoremus Deum (plainsong, mode ii)
Missa Orbis factor (Vatican Gradual, Mass XI)
Gradual: Tollite hostias (plainsong, mode v)
Alleluia: Laudate Dominum (plainsong, mode ii)
Offertory: Perfice gressus meos (plainsong, mode iv)
Motet at the Offertory: 'Twas in the Year that King Uzziah Died (Charles Wood, 1866-1926)
Communion: Introibo ad altare Dei (Heinrich Isaac, c.1450-1517)
Hymn at the Communion: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Repton, arr. Willcocks)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above

Music for the Feast of St. Cyril of Alexandria, 9 February 2019

Saturday, 9 February 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Music for the Feast of St. Cyril of Alexandria
(Missale Romanum of 1962)
Prelude: Improvisation
Missa Pater cuncta (Vatican Gradual, Mass XII)
Gregorian Mass of a Doctor: In medio Ecclesiae

The second Saturday of every month is a Missa cantata celebrated
for the intentions of the Gospel of Life Society at St. Mary’s.

Music for Vespers of the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, 3 February 2019

Sunday, 3 February 2019, 5:00 p.m.
Music for Second Vespers of the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
Dixit Dominus & Psalm 109 (mode vii)
Magna opera Domini & Psalm 110 (mode iii)
Qui timet Dominum & Psalm 111 (mode iv)
Sit nomen Domini & Psalm 112 (mode vii)
Deus autem noster & Psalm 113 (mode i)
Hymn: Lucis Creator (plainsong, mode viii)
Magnificat antiphon: Domine, salva nos, perimus (mode i)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
O Salutaris Hostia (Hereford)
Tantum ergo (French melody)
Adoremus in aeternum (plainsong, mode i)
Postlude: Improvisation

Music for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, 3 February 2019

Music for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Herr Gott, nun schleuß den Himmel auf (BWV 617) (Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750)
Hymn at the Procession: Eternal Father, Strong to Save (Melita)
Missa Iste sanctus (Francisco Guerrero, 1528-1599)
Gregorian Mass of the Third Sunday after the Epiphany: Adorate Deum
Motet at the Offertory: Dextera Domini (Orlande de Lassus, c.1532-1594)
Communion: Ave Regina caelorum (Guerrero)
Postlude: Prelude & Fugue in D minor (BWV 539) (Bach)

Music for the Fourth Sunday of the Year
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern)
Introit: Laetetur cor (plainsong, mode ii)
Missa Orbis factor (Vatican Gradual, Mass XI)
Gradual: Quis sicut Dominus (plainsong, mode v)
Alleluia: Adorabo ad templum (plainsong, mode vii)
Offertory: Bonum est confiteri (plainsong, mode viii)
Hymn at the Offertory: Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews (Thomas Clark, 1775-1859)
Communion: Illumina faciem tuam (plainsong, mode i)
Motet at the Communion: O memoriale (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, c.1525-1594)
Marian antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above