Wed. 3/2/22 ASH WEDNESDAY 8:00AM Low Mass (Latin) 12:10 Noon Mass (English) 6:00PM Liturgy of the Word (Spanish) with Imposition of Ashes Liturgia de la Palabra/Imposición de Cenizas 7:00PM Solemn Mass (Latin)
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Solemn Mass for the Presentation: Wed. Feb. 2 at 7PM
Candlemas: There will be a Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Presentation this Wednesday, February 2, at 7:00 p.m., with music of Victoria, Lassus, and Bernabei provided by the Schola Cantorum. This Mass includes the Blessing of Candles. Wednesday, February 2, 2022 8:00 a.m. Low Mass 12:10 p.m. Daily Mass in English 7:00 p.m.…
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Solemn Mass for Epiphany: Thurs. Jan. 6 at 7PM
Solemn Mass for the Epiphany, with the Proclamation of the Moveable Feasts of the Year, and the Blessing of Chalk.
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Christmas Schedule 2021—Horario de Navidad 2021
Mass Schedule for Christmas Eve through Epiphany
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Rorate Mass: Saturday Dec. 4 at 6AM
The Rorate Mass is a Mass celebrated in honor of our Lady on a Saturday in Advent. “Rorate” comes from the Introit of the day: “Drop down, ye heavens, from above...” This Mass is always done in darkness with only candlelight; ideally, the sun should begin to rise at the Consecration.
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Mass for Thanksgiving Day: Thurs. Nov. 25 at 9AM
Mass will be offered at 9:00 AM only on Thanksgiving Day. Gratias agimus Tibi, Omnipotens Deus, pro universis beneficiis Tuis. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
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Mass for St. Cecilia’s Day: Mon. Nov. 22 at 7PM
Solemn Mass for St. Cecilia, glorious virgin and martyr, patroness of Music. Sung by St. Mary’s Schola Cantorum and offered for the benefactors of the St. Cecilia Society.
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All Saints and All Souls
Schedule for the Feast of All Saints, Monday, Nov. 1, 2021 8:00 a.m. Low Mass (Latin) 11:30 a.m. Confessions 12:10 p.m. Mass (English) 7:00 p.m. Solemn Mass (Latin) Schedule for the Feast of All Souls, Monday, Nov. 2, 2021 8:00 a.m. Low Mass (Latin) 11:30 a.m. Confessions 12:10 p.m. Mass (English) 7:00 p.m. Solemn Mass…
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Our Lady of Good Health: Feast Mass Sat. Sept 11 at 11AM
The Feast Mass in honor of Our Lady of Vailankanni will be celebrated by the Bishop on Saturday, September 11th @ 11.00 am, and followed by a festive reception in the gym. The shrine of Our Lady of Vailankanni (Our Lady of Good Health), known as the “Lourdes of the East”, is a large church in South India with the status of a minor basilica and is the destination of more than two million pilgrims every year. The busiest season is during the nine days of the Novena ending on September 8th, the feast day, and the commemoration of the birthday of Mary (nine months after the observance of her Immaculate Conception on December 8th).
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Corpus Christi Sunday: Masses and Procession
Sunday, June 6, 2021 Corpus Christi (external solemnity) 8:00 a.m. Sung Mass in English 9:30 a.m. Solemn Mass (Latin) Music of Palestrina, Felis, Josquin, and Victoria followed by Procession with the Blessed Sacrament and Refreshments (Parish Hall) (no 11:15 a.m. Mass) 1:00 p.m. Sung Mass in Spanish
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