This week we begin Late Advent, when we focus ever more deeply on spiritual preparation for Christmas. We began on Friday evening with our choirs singing Advent Lessons and Carols, as we listened to the readings that tell of the coming of Christ on Christmas and the carols that tell us to watch and pray and look to the East for the dawn of our salvation. On Saturday morning before dawn we celebrated the beautiful and deeply moving Rorate Mass in honor of our Lady. The silence, the candlelight, the chant, the beauty of holiness—all pointing to the One who has come and will come again.
This season of heightened anticipation and joy is always enriched by the special antiphons that are sung each evening before and after the Magnificat, Our Lady’s song, at Vespers. These antiphons begin on December 17 and continue through December 23. Each antiphon is a title for the Messiah. Each antiphon refers to the prophecy of Isaiah of the coming of the Messiah. Those of you who pray the Roman Breviary or the Liturgy of the Hours will use these antiphons each day at Vespers. They are part of the Church’s gift to us to help us to prepare for Christmas. Those who do not pray the Office every day may want to use these Antiphons as part of your daily prayers in this special time before Christmas. The texts of the Antiphons is below.
O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from one end to the other, mightily and sweetly ordering all things: Come and teach us the way of prudence.
O Adonai, and leader of the House of Israel, who appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush and gave him the Law on Sinai: Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm.
O Root of Jesse, standing as a sign among the peoples; before you kings will shut their mouths, to you the nations will make their prayer: Come and deliver us and delay no longer.
O Key of David and scepter of the House of Israel; you open and no one can shut; you shut and no one can open: Come and lead the prisoners from the prison house, those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
O Morning Star, splendor of light eternal and sun of righteousness: Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
O King of the nations, and their desire, the cornerstone making both one: Come and save the human race, which you fashioned from clay.
O Emmanuel, our King and our Lawgiver, the hope of the nations and their Saviour: Come and save us, O Lord our God.
Father Richard Gennaro Cipolla