Prelude: Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Max Reger, 1873-1916)
Hymn at the Offertory: O Son of Justice (Jesu Dulcis Memoria)
Motet at the Offertory: Hide Not Thou Thy Face From Us (Richard Farrant, c.1530-1580) ["Hide not Thou Thy face from us, O Lord; and cast not off Thy servant in Thy displeasure. For we confess our sins unto Thee, and hide not our unrighteousness. For Thy mercy's sake deliver us from all our sins."]
Communion: Oportet te (plainchant, mode viii) ["My son, you should rejoice; for your brother who was dead has come back to life; he was lost and he has been found." (Lk. 15:32)]
Organ interlude: Vater unser in Himmelreich (J.S. Bach, 1865-1750)
Postlude: Improvisation on the Gradual Laetatus sum ["I was glad when they said unto me: let us go into the house of the Lord." (Ps. 121:1)]