Music for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Improvisation
Missa Orbis factor (Vatican Gradual, Mass XI)
Gregorian Mass of the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Exaudi Domine...adjutor
Hymn at the Offertory: Salve, latus Salvatoris (plainsong, mode i)
Hymn at the Communion: Adoro te devote (plainsong, mode v)
Postlude: Improvisation
We welcome Mr. Richard Dobbins as the guest conductor
and Mr. William Riccio as the guest organist for this Mass.
Music for the Thirteenth Sunday of the Year
(Missale Romanum of 1970, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: All People That On Earth Do Dwell (Old Hundredth)
Mass Ordinary: Missa de Angelis (Vatican Gradual, Mass VIII)
Hymn at the Offertory: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (St. Denio)
Hymn at the Communion: Jesus, where’er Thy people meet (St. Sepulchre)
Marian antiphon: Salve Regina (plainsong, mode v)
We welcome Mr. William Riccio as the guest organist for this Mass.