Music for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Missa Octavi Toni (Orlando di Lasso, c.1532-1594)
Gregorian Mass of the Fourth Sunday of Advent: Rorate caeli desuper
Motet at the Offertory: Ave Maria...Regina caeli, dulcis et pia (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, c.1525-1594)
Motet at the Communion: Ecce Virgo concipiet (Cristóbal de Morales, c.1500-1553)
Music for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (Missale Romanum of 1970, 11:30 a.m.)
Kyrie: Missa pro Dominicis Adventis & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVII)
Alleluia: Veni, Domine (plainsong, mode iii)
Hymn at the Offertory: Rorate caeli desuper (plainsong, mode i)
Sanctus & Agnus Dei: Missa pro Feriis Adventus & Quadragesimae (Vatican Gradual, Mass XVIII)
Communion: Ecce virgo concipiet (plainsong, mode i)
Chant at the Communion: Magnificat primi toni (plainsong)