Sunday, 1 July 2018, 5:00 p.m.
Music for Second Vespers of the Feast of the Most Precious Blood
Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
Quis est iste & Psalm 109 (mode vii)
Ego qui loquor & Psalm 110 (mode viii)
Vestitus erat veste & Psalm 111 (mode iv)
Quare ergo rubrum & Psalm 112 (mode viii)
Torcular calcavi solus & Psalm 147 (mode ii)
Hymn: Festivis resonent (plainsong, mode viii)
Magnificat antiphon: Beata es Maria (mode viii)
O Salutaris Hostia (Werner)
Tantum ergo (French melody)
Adoremus in aeternum (plainsong, mode i)